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Glenveagh School

Glenveagh is a Healthy School

Healthy Eating/Living Websites


What does ‘healthy eating’ actually mean?


sorting games with the objective to identify the food groups, and what we need to keep us alive.


Collection of resources from various sites.


drag to match game for labelling fruit and veg.


sorting healthy foods activity.


under P.E. there are a number of resources based on the Olympics, under PSHE there is a hygiene-based activity within ‘Healthy Living.’


a cartoon that encourages hand washing. Simple but visually effective for all from Junior to 16+


Provides key information on healthy foods and a balanced diet.


Free resources, and lots cookery ideas and lesson plans which include lesson objectives and step-by-step success criteria. Very usable in mainstream and SLD sector. 


This is the Food Standards Agency website. The Northern Ireland link on the site gives information on the latest initiatives and publications, including the Food Competency Framework. You can find useful guidance on setting up and running food clubs in their online publication ‘What’s Cooking?’ Includes games ‘A Healthy Lunchbox’ and ‘Make a Balanced Plate.’


This site has interactive games and quizzes, information about nutrients and a teachers’ area.


This website is an excellent resource that provides recipes that you can use in practical sessions. This site includes a glossary of ingredients and give the

nutritional value of recipes.


The BBC website has many useful links and resources and provides relevant, topical information on diet and health.


The British Heart Foundation website offers a range of free resources available to order and/or download.


The Dairy Council website has a selection of resources based around dairy products and nutrition that are available to download.


Provides learning and teaching resources and recipe ideas based around cereals.

www.nhs.uk/Livewell/healthyeating/Pages/Healthyeating.aspx  lots of info on healthy living and eating well, including guidelines for children/young adults and wheelchair users. There is also a ‘couch to 5k’ podcast to help introduce longer distance running (maybe more suitable to staff who want to get fit).

www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/schools/themes/mighty_mefood, nutrition and fitness facts through information, quizzes and tips. Geared towards Primary schools, but very appropriate for our older pupils.


www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clipsoffood Clips from BBC on identifying nutrition in foods and balanced diets.