Harberton Park, Belfast, Antrim BT9 6TX

028 9066 9907


Glenveagh School

Leavers Department

“Preparing for the future”

The Glenveagh Leavers Department is made up of four classes aged 16-19 years old.  Our goal is to prepare our pupils for life beyond Glenveagh, providing a curriculum rich in opportunities to develop functional skills appropriate to each of our students. 

What does teaching and learning look for us?

  • Above all else, our learning is fun!
  • We learn at our own pace, with pupil specific targets.
  • We mould our curriculum around each pupil’s individual learning style.
  • We provide a nurturing, safe environment for all our students.
  • We employ a variety of communication strategies including core boards, communication devices and Makaton.
  • We work closely with our multi-disciplinary teams, benefitting from speech, physio and OT input.
  • Functional Numeracy and Literacy are taught through a range of meaningful activities.
  • Independence is encouraged through home Economics, writing shopping lists, shopping for ingredients, preparing ingredients and cooking basic meals with varying degrees of support.
  • RSE is a key focus in the Leavers Department. It is crucial to providing our young people with the knowledge and information they need to stay safe and develop healthy relationships, beliefs and attitudes. 
  • Pupils are encouraged to be comfortable talking about mental health and well-being, developing an awareness of their own emotions and who they can talk to when they are feeling sad or worried.
  • We maintain links with a number of external agencies who support the delivery of our curriculum including NSPCC, Barnardos, Informing Choices and The Belfast Activity Centre.
  • When appropriate, our students have the opportunity to take part in work sampling and placements with various 19+ providers.

We endeavour to support our students and parents at every step of the transition process, signposting them to the relevant services and offering advice and information about what is available post 19.


We are a busy and vibrant department, who place our student’s needs firmly at the centre of all we do.